

- only imagination sets the limit...​

We love finding beautiful old items and discovering new ways to use them—giving them new life as authentic products in our homes. The only limit is imagination. Old ice molds and table legs become candleholders, vintage suitcases turn into coffee tables, trays transform into rolling carts, and brick molds are repurposed into beautiful boxes and shelves. A world of possibilities...

Ideas usually come to life when we are out with our suppliers—we never quite know what we will find... Our suppliers are amazing at turning our ideas into tangible products.

Below, you'll find a few examples of our upcycled products. You can view our full range here.

The brick mould - a world of possibilities

Upcycled into shelves, advent wreaths, trays...

We love experimenting and finding new ways to repurpose old original items. So the ideas for developing the brick mould were obvious. The first idea was to add a handle to the brick mould—a leather strap—turning it into a small wooden basket. This idea came about one day with our Indian supplier. We were wandering around in the blazing heat, brainstorming what we could create. At the same time, we were looking at a leather stool that did not quite fit into our range, but the beautiful leather was fantastic. We both looked at the brick mould, then at the leather, and it clicked; a leather handle was the perfect solution.

Since then, this supplier has helped us create many other “brick mould products,” including shelves, trays, and even advent wreaths. The only limit is imagination...

We love the idea of recycling—why not use what already exists?

Original brick moulds have been used in construction in India for many years. The clay is poured into the moulds, then the brick mould is turned over, and the brick is shaken out of the mould. The bricks are placed on the ground to dry in the sun and are eventually fired in a kiln.

Each small business had its own stamp on the brick mould enabling you to know where the brick came from. If you are unsure whether your brick mould is original, check the bottom for impressions of a stamp.

From ice pops moulds to cozy candle stands...

Great and unexpected ideas often arise when you least expect them. In this case, we stumbled upon a box filled with some strange long tubes. We did not actually know what they were and asked our supplier for an explanation. The tubes are used for ice pops, which are sold at local markets. The box is filled with crushed ice to keep the ice pops cold and ready for sale.

As we were discussing what we could use them for, the idea of candleholders suddenly emerged. All it needed was a small iron base. That same evening, we had a sample ready for approval. We love the idea of repurposing old items and giving them new life by turning them into something entirely different.